Senin, 16 September 2013

its all their game

when deep pocket operators stop supporting "buys", the prices start falling even if they don't sell.
when deep pocket operators stop supporting "sells", the prices start rising even if they don't buy.
but, when deep pocket operators start supporting "sells", the prices start crashing.
and, when deep pocket operators start supporting "buys", the prices start soaring.....
its all their game.
till you see this you can't make money big and consistently
and the beauty is, they don't do it themselves.....
their computers do this for them......
with amazing efficiency and ruthless effectiveness......
don't believe?
then check the rate of change of rates of bids / asking rates in your terminal.......
overwhelming bids are "theirs"
just look at the speed and consistency of change of bids.
just see how smoothly and accurately the bids are moved away from your rates.
just see the amazing accuracy of the gaps being maintained.

and while doing all this, they accumulate the diamonds or distribute the lemons.

you and me and we all are "trading" against the "playing" terminals with "super software" triggered by ordinary brains with extraordinary money chesters.

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